Installing Slackware Linux Part 5 - Post Install Configuration

When the system cycles, you'll be at the LILO boot prompt. This is still the virtual machine, but in the real installation on the IDE disk we partitioned, liloconfig didn't add my Windows boot choice to the lilo.conf file. So what I see is exactly the same. Probably because I used the NTFS filesystem. We'll be fixing that up soon, it's not difficult.

Hit enter to start Slackware Linux, and you'll be at the logon prompt. Type root as the username, and you will be prompted for the root password you set near the end of setup.

The first thing you should probably do, is create a user for yourself. You must not use the root user account for normal operation of the system. The Slackware adduser script makes this very easy, by interactively prompting you for information instead of making you supply it with switches on the command line.

Type adduser as root, and then you will be prompted to enter a username. Use lower case for the username.

For most of the prompts you will just want to hit enter to accept the defaults unless you have a specific reason. Let it default to the next available user ID, hit enter to use /bin/bash (unless you want to use another shell of course), accept the default home directory, and accept the default of no expiry date.

You may want to enter a "full name" (I like to pick something humorous). You will then be prompted to type the user's password twice for confirmation. A user can change his own password any time, using the passwd command.

The rest of the configuration steps can really be done in any order, according to what is most important to you. You may want to get the XFree86 GUI started first, so you can use GUI based text editors and such, if you're unfamiliar with working from the command line.

The first thing I'd want to do is get my network going (if it isn't already). The netconfig utility that ran during setup, could not probe for my network adapter. However, I know that it uses the sundance module. How did I know that? Well, when I first bought those NICs, I typed D-Link 530TXS Linux (the "S" is significant in the model number) into a search engine (Google) and found the tidbit I needed in mailing list archives and the like.

Now, during setup we configured our network with the exception of the driver module for the network adapter. That means, all we have to do is load the module, and start the network. Slackware's startup scripts look for a script file named rc.netdevice in the /etc/rc.d directory. This is where the system init scripts are located on Slackware system. (It uses the BSD style init script mechanism)

It is very easy to create this file from the command line. As root, type:

echo "/sbin/modprobe sundance" > /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice

This will redirect the output of the echo command into the specified text file that will get created. The quotes are important, because there is a space in the string we are echoing. Use the correct module name for your network adapter, of course.

Now, set the file executable:

chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice

That's it, on the next reboot your network should initialize.

Alternatively, to load a network adapter module, you could uncomment the appropriate module loading line (or add one) in the /etc/rc.d/rc.modules init script.

Now, I don't feel like rebooting at the moment, so I'm going to just type a few simple commands to start the network.

I'm loading the module, then using the ifconfig utility to specify the interface, IP address of the machine, and subnet mask, and then using the route command to specify my router as the gateway.

You probably will want to attempt to start the XFree86 GUI now. By default, Slackware is set up to use the VESA Framebuffer driver for your display hardware. The /etc/X11/XF86Config file is a copy of the file XF86Config-vesa in the same directory.

So if you type startx you may have a usable GUI if the settings are compatible with your display hardware. That will do in a pinch, but you will want to properly configure XFree86 and use the accelerated driver for your video card (which hopefully exists, otherwise you've got some generic options)

I put the XFree86/Xorg configuration for Slackware in a separate tutorial, which you can read here:

Configuring X in Slackware (Opens in new window)

Next, I want to get LILO straightened around, so I can boot that Windows XP installation. At this point I have no way of starting it.

As root, open the /etc/lilo.conf file with a text editor. I drew a box around the section that I added, to the bottom of the file.

Lines that start with # are comments, and are ignored.

This is called "chainloading". What we are doing, is instructing LILO to pass control over to whatever code is in the /dev/hda1 partition's boot sector. It does not have to know anything about the filesystem or the operating system on the partition. In this case, that's the code in the boot sector that finds ntldr; Windows XP's own boot loader. Any additional Windows operating systems that the Windows XP boot loader's boot.ini file is configured to start (e.g. Win9x) will be available from the ntldr menu as well.

What you will see in the LILO boot menu, is the label windows.

While you are editing lilo.conf, you probably will want to change the timeout to a more reasonable value. It defaults to 1200, which is 2 minutes. (The value is in 10ths of a second, so a value of 300 is 30 seconds)

After you are finished editing the lilo.conf file, you must run the lilo command (or /sbin/lilo if /sbin isn't in your path) to rewrite the changes, or they will have no effect.

As root, type lilo and you should see in the output that it has added both Linux and windows to the configuration.

I rebooted the machine, and I can start both Linux and windows.

If you ever want to access that NTFS filesystem from within Linux (read-only support for NTFS), you will have to load the ntfs kernel module, and mount the filesystem.

Create a mount point (an empty directory)

mkdir /mnt/windows

Load the kernel module.

modprobe ntfs

Mount the filesystem.

mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows

You access it from /mnt/windows.