Old Bookclub List

Whats Bred in the BoneRobertson DaviesrgwJanuary or Feb. 1993
Lolita Vladimir Nabokov dr
Julian Gore Vidal dv
Confessions of a Mask Mishimaeh
Art & Beauty in the Middle AgesUmberto Eco rgw
Sexing the Cherry Jeanette Winterson dr
Jane Erye Charlotte Bronte dv
Possession A.S. Byatt eh
The Living End Stanley Elkin rgw
Art of Living John Gardner dr
The Collector John Fowles dv
Tarr Wyndham Lewis eh
Immortality Milan Kundera rgw 1-Jun-1994
The Wapshot Chronicle John Cheever dr
Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe dv
Darkness Visible William Golding dv
Illusion of Technique William Barrett dr
The Power & the Glory Graham Greene eh
Spirit.comes Simone De Beauvoir rgw
Geralds Party Robert Coover ehv
The Secret Agent Joseph Conrad rgw
Everything that Rises MustConverge Flannery OConnerdr
(Jesus Son Denis Johnson) bk
Notebooks of MalteRainer Maria Rilke dv
The House on Mango StreetSandra Cisneros eh
House of Gentle Folk Ivan Turgenevrgw
Love in the Ruins Walker Percy dr
Blood Countess Andre Codrescu dv
Illness as a MetaphorSusan Sontageh
Shelter Jayne Anne Phillipsrgw
Memoir From Antproof Case Mark Helprindr
Our Lady of the Flowers Jean Genet dv
The Monkey Wrench Primo Levi eh
Evolution of Useful Things Henry Petroski rgw
Moors Last Sigh S Rushdie dr
MonkMatthew Lewis dv
First Love and otherBrodkeyeh
Turn of the Screw Henry James
Cold MountainCharles FrazieerDec-1998
Great Jones StreetDon DeLillo
The Alentist Caleb Carr
The Conversations at Curlow Creek David Malouf
Fifth Mountain Paul Coehlo ?
Notes From a Dirty Old Man Charles Bukowski
Ingenious Pain Andrew MillerMay-2000
The Sun Also RisesErnest Hemmingway