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=DATEDIF(E2, J2, "M")

Code  Description                       Explanation 
"d"   Days                           The number of days between Date1 and Date2. 
"m"   Months                         The number of complete months between Date1 and Date2. 
"y"   Years                          The number of complete years between Date1 and Date2. 
"yd"  Days excluding Years           The number of days between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same year. 
"ym"  Months excluding Years         The number of months between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same year. 
"md"  Days excluding Months & Yrs    The number of days between Date1 and Date2, as if Date1 and Date2 were in the same 

                                     month and the same year 
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Page last modified on October 12, 2007, at 08:45 PM