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Automatically Updating Dynamic IP for Zoneedit DNS Server (dnsck.script)
Put this is in the Cron.Hourly making sure to update any path references

# Determine my ip
lynx -dump "" > /tmp/dns/myip1.log

# Determin current DNS of domain name
ping -c 1 | fgrep PING > /tmp/dns/dns.log

# Strip out whitespace of results of my ip result the remove extra line
sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' /tmp/dns/myip1.log > /tmp/dns/myip2a.log
sed '/^$/d' /tmp/dns/myip2a.log > /tmp/dns/myip2.log

# Use grep to find refined my ip addr in DNS result
grep -o -f /tmp/dns/myip2.log /tmp/dns/dns.log > /tmp/dns/dnsck.log

# compare the result of grep to the refined myIP
cmp /tmp/dns/myip2.log /tmp/dns/dnsck.log > /dev/null  # /dev/null buries the output of the "cmp" command.
# Also works with 'diff', i.e.,   diff $1 $2 > /dev/null (or so I read)

if [ $? -eq 0 ]        # Test exit status of "cmp" command.
  echo "File \"myip2.log\" is identical to file \"dnsck.log\"." >> /tmp/dns/test.log

exit 0

The good thing about the multiple text files is that it gave me insight into which part was failing when it initially didn't work. I could just check each log file to see where the problem was.

See PHP section to get a page to return just your IP, but here it is also
Display IP Address

On a remote server to display the IP of the the requesting computer I used this
$ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
You might be able to use and clean it up a bit

Here is my script to update Zoneedit website DNS For My Home Domain
Put his in the folder that matches the dnsck.script

Create a shell script that has this: (A line for each domain name)(zoneed)

lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD ''
lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD ''
lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD '' >> /tmp/dns/zone.log 

I'm sure any true Unix or Linux aficionado would be horrified by this, but until somebody shows me wonderful world of geeky purity I'll keep pfutzing around like this.

I put this all together and powered down my DSL modem for 30 minutes, after which it just grabbed a new IP.

I ran the above shell script and bingo it worked.

So I put it in the Cron.hourly folder. And we will see.

Here are my earlier notes as I worked through this problem:

sed 's/^[ \t]*//' ip2.log > ip4.log

clears the leading white space from one file and puts just the text in another file.

  1. delete BOTH leading and trailing whitespace from each line

sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'


Maybe this will help
(3) < Redirector Symbol
Linux-command < filename
To take input to Linux-command from file instead of key-board. For e.g. To take input for cat command give
$ cat < myfiles

And maybe grep will help (I could have them in two lines in one file).

And to match exactly an IP number from one file to another, maybe this will help

grep -o -f ip1.log ip2.log

Trouble with SED? After looking at this website How about this?


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Page last modified on April 24, 2006, at 05:07 AM