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TidbitsAutomatically Updating Dynamic IP for Zoneedit DNS Server (dnsck.script) #!/bin/sh # Determine my ip lynx -dump "http://www.virtual-weltanschauung.com/t3.php" > /tmp/dns/myip1.log # Determin current DNS of domain name ping -c 1 www.virtual-weltanschauung.org | fgrep PING > /tmp/dns/dns.log # Strip out whitespace of results of my ip result the remove extra line sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' /tmp/dns/myip1.log > /tmp/dns/myip2a.log sed '/^$/d' /tmp/dns/myip2a.log > /tmp/dns/myip2.log # Use grep to find refined my ip addr in DNS result grep -o -f /tmp/dns/myip2.log /tmp/dns/dns.log > /tmp/dns/dnsck.log # compare the result of grep to the refined myIP cmp /tmp/dns/myip2.log /tmp/dns/dnsck.log > /dev/null # /dev/null buries the output of the "cmp" command. # Also works with 'diff', i.e., diff $1 $2 > /dev/null (or so I read) if [ $? -eq 0 ] # Test exit status of "cmp" command. then echo "File \"myip2.log\" is identical to file \"dnsck.log\"." >> /tmp/dns/test.log else /tmp/dns/zoneed fi exit 0 The good thing about the multiple text files is that it gave me insight into which part was failing when it initially didn't work. I could just check each log file to see where the problem was. See PHP section to get a page to return just your IP, but here it is also On a remote server to display the IP of the the requesting computer I used this Here is my script to update Zoneedit website DNS For My Home Domain Create a shell script that has this: (A line for each domain name)(zoneed) #!/bin/sh lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD 'http://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html?host=www.virtual-weltanschauung.org' lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD 'http://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html?host=harpo.virtual-weltanschauung.org' lynx -source -auth=NAME:PASSWORD 'http://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html?host=virtual-weltanschauung.org' >> /tmp/dns/zone.log I'm sure any true Unix or Linux aficionado would be horrified by this, but until somebody shows me wonderful world of geeky purity I'll keep pfutzing around like this. I put this all together and powered down my DSL modem for 30 minutes, after which it just grabbed a new IP. I ran the above shell script and bingo it worked. So I put it in the Cron.hourly folder. And we will see. Here are my earlier notes as I worked through this problem: sed 's/^[ \t]*//' ip2.log > ip4.log clears the leading white space from one file and puts just the text in another file.
sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' From http://www.unixguide.net/unix/sedoneliner.shtml Maybe this will help And maybe grep will help (I could have them in two lines in one file). http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~elflord/unix/grep.html And to match exactly an IP number from one file to another, maybe this will help grep -o -f ip1.log ip2.log Trouble with SED? After looking at this website http://www.student.northpark.edu/pemente/sed/sed1line.txt... How about this? . |